Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Alarie Gifford's Bread Recipe

Aunt Barbara's Bread

Yield: 2 loaves    Good 3-4 days out of fridge, 7 in fridge, freezer longer. Hard to ruin! Is fast and easy.


5 ¼ C Flour (bread flour, ap flour, wheat, rye, mixture, unground grains, etc.)

½ Tbs Salt (or as little as 1 tsp if making a sweet bread)

¼ C Sugar/honey/molasses/agave nectar/applesauce (use less)/etc.

1 ½ Tbs Instant yeast (or 1 ¾ Tbs Dry active yeast)

1 ½ Tbs Soy lecithin (helps bread be more chewy and last a little longer, can leave it out, or substitute oil)- found on Amazon, not in stores.

2-2 ½ C Very hot water (lukewarm if dry active yeast)
All ingredients can easily be switched and substituted. If using instant yeast the whole process takes just under an hour.

If using dry active yeast instead of instant, proof in lukewarm water for about ten minutes before adding other ingredients.

Mix all ingredients into Kitchen Aid/Bosch until incorporated. Let it knead with the dough hook for 5 minutes (+1 minute for wheat flour). Dough will be sticky and not look like normal bread dough.

If using dry active yeast, spray Pam around the dough on the edges of the bowl you mixed the dough in and cover it with a damp towel and let it rise for 20 minutes before putting it into the bread pans (I put it in the empty dishwasher to speed things up). No need for this step if using instant yeast.

Spray Pam on the counter and on a spatula. Use the spatula to work the dough into a ball with the oil; you may need to spray it again. Divide the dough in two, shape, and let rise covered in greased pans for 20 minutes.

Bake at 350F for 20-25 minutes on the center to lower rack. Bake at 325F if using a darker colored pan so that crust doesn't get too hard.

-Rye bread, whole wheat, white, cinnamon raisin, etc. Just switch out oils, sweeteners, salt, flours, grain additions. The recipe is very forgiving.

-Pizza: Use 1/2 as much yeast and no need to let it rise.

-Bread sticks: Roll out and sprinkle with Parmesan, garlic, etc. Cut into strips with pizza cutter. No need to let rise.

-Cinnamon raisin bread: Add cinnamon and raisins.

-Dinner rolls: 1/2 batch of dough yields 18-20 rolls.

-Cinnamon rolls: 1/2 batch dough makes 18-20 rolls (I use 1/3 batch and it's still tight in pan)

-Filled braid: Roll out 1/2 batch dough in 9x13 pan. Fill center with pizza toppings; cream cheese, apples, and cinnamon; ham and cheese; veggies and cream cheese; etc. Cut strips on both sides and weave over each other like a French braid. Optional egg wash on top.

Christina Varini's Healthy Eating Recipes and Tips

Make your own Bisquick
9 cups white whole white wheat flour (or a mixture of whole wheat grains)                                             
1/2 cup baking powder                                                                                                                    
1/4 cup granulated sugar (or replace sugar with a pinch of stevia)                                                             
1 and 1/4 cup canola oil
Sift together powder and sugar into flour. Sift together twice into large mixing bowl. Slowly add oil, cutting in with pastry blender, until mix is consistency of corn meal. Store in tightly covered container at room temperature or may be refrigerated. Makes 1 dozen cups. Spoon lightly into cup and level with spatula. Use for pancakes, waffles, biscuits, and muffins.
When used like Bisquick: 1/3 cup= 1 serving. 36 servings per batch.
Oatmeal Raisin Power Bar Cookies
½ cup granulated sugar
¼ cup brown sugar
¼ cup butter softened
¼ cup vegetable oil
½ applesauce
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons vanilla
½ teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
3 cups old-fashioned oats
1 cup whole white wheat flour
1 cup chopped nuts, raisins or chocolate chips, if desired
1 cup shredded coconut (unsweetened)
½ cup shredded carrots and or zucchini
Heat oven to 375. Beat all ingredients except oats, flour and raisins and optional ingredients in a large bowl with electric mixer or a spoon.  Sir in remaining ingredients. Drop dough by rounded tablespoons on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 9-11 minutes until light brown and cool on wire rack.
Tip: Freeze extras in individual snack bag for school lunches or a snack on the go.
Basic Muffin Recipe
3/4 cup milk
¼ cup vegetable or canola oil
1 large egg
1/8 cup sugar
¼ cup agave or a couple shakes of stevia
1 cup apple sauce or 2 mashed ripe bananas
1 carrot, zucchini, or cup pumpkin shredded or pureed
2 cups whole white wheat or whole mixed grain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
Optional: 1 cup blueberries, raisins,½ cup mini chocolate chips, or one diced apple
Heat over to 375. Grease bottoms of mini muffin tins with oil spray.  In a blender mix together milk, oil, egg, sugar, agave or stevia, applesauce or bananas, and vegetables until smooth. In a bowl mix together flour, baking powder and salt. Stir wet ingredients into dry ingredients just until flour is moistened (batter will be lumpy.  DO NOT OVER MIX or they will be rubbery. Sprinkle with streusel or cinnamon sugar if desired and bake 8-10 minutes until toothpick comes out clean.  Do not over cook or they will be dry.  Remember they continue to cook after removed from oven so take them out when they are a bit moist in the center but not raw.
Tip: Freeze extras in individual snack bag for school lunches or a snack on the go.
Streusel Topping for muffins
¼ cup flour
¼ cup oats
¼ cup brown sugar
½ teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoon firm butter
Mix everything together except butter in a bowl.  Cut in butter until crumbly and sprinkle on top of muffins before baking.
Blender Waffles
2 eggs
2 cup whole grain flour (part rice flour will make waffles crispy on outside and light)
1 ¾ cup milk
½ cup vegetable or canola oil
1 small carrot
½ zucchini or yellow squash
1 Tbs brown sugar optional
4 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp salt
In a blender blend eggs, milk, oil and veggies. Blend in remaining ingredients just until smooth. Pour into greased waffle iron and cook 5 minutes or until light comes on
I like to make extras and under cook them a little, and then I freeze them in plastic wrap.  To reheat just place frozen waffles in toaster until golden brown and they taste perfectly fresh and ready in minutes!
Tip: For a treat try making chocolate waffles using chocolate cake mix, spinach, and black beans.  Blend wet ingredients (oil, water and eggs) in blender along with three handfuls of baby spinach and 1/2 can rinsed black beans. Then stir blended ingredients into dry cake mix until smooth.  Cook batter in waffle iron and top with fresh berries, bananas and whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream. 
Blender Pancakes
1 large egg
¾ cup milk
½ c raw yellow squash, zucchini, cooked pumpkin or other squash puree
2-3Tbs. vegetable or canola oil
1 cup whole wheat or mixed whole grain flour
¼ tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg (optional but enhances flavor and hides veggies)
Butter or coconut oil for greasing griddle
Bonus: mixed berries, peaches or mini chocolate chips to sprinkle into mix
In a blender or magic bullet blend egg, milk, squash, and oil. Stir together remaining ingredients in a bowl. Stir in the vegetable mixture just until smooth. Pour onto griddle and flip when you see bubbles. Turn and cook other side until golden brown.
Be creative! Use a teaspoon and create hearts, starts, snowmen, caterpillars or whatever makes it fun for your child.  My kids love tiny mini pancakes. Use raisins, or mini chocolate chips for eyes etc. To make pink princess pancakes put ½ a fresh beet into the blender with the other veggies.  Have fun!
Bran Muffins
4 cups bran flakes cereal
2 cup raisins
2 cup boiling water
1 cup canola oil
4 large eggs
1 cup sugar (or ½ cup sugar and ½ cup apple sauce)
1 quart butter milk (or add a teaspoon of lemon juice to regular milk)
1 cup white flour
4 cups whole white wheat or other whole grain flour
5 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
2 cups bran flakes to stir in at the end
1.Combine 4 cups bran cereal, raisins and boiling water in a bowl.  Combine oil, eggs, sugar, and milk in another bowl then add in the bran raisin mixture.
2.In a separate bowl stir the dry ingredients together then add to wet ingredients.  Stir as little as possible until all dry ingredients are moist. 
3.Fill greased muffin tins half way and bake at 375 degrees for 8 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
 Brown: Chocolate Banana
2 frozen peeled very ripe bananas
2 Tbs. of cocoa powder (you can add more later if you like more chocolate flavor)
1 handful blueberries (optional for added nutrients and better color)
10 ice cubes
2 big handfuls of raw spinach and or kale
2 c. milk (vanilla soy milk is tastiest but cow milk works too)
1tsp. vanilla
A shake of stevia or agave if added sweetness is needed
Optional: choc syrup to drizzle on top
Blend and serve!  My kids go crazy when I serve it with whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate syrup.  Adjust ingredients to your desired taste.  Depending on how ripe your bananas are before you freeze them will determine if you need to add a little agave or stevia. Don’t forget a straw!
Orange: orange Julius (rich in vitamin C)
¼ -1/2 raw sweet potato
1 carrot peeled
1 whole orange (most of rind removed)
1-2 c orange juice
2 frozen ripe bananas
1 c milk
1 tsp. vanilla
8-10 ice cubes
optional: scoop of vanilla yogurt
Directions: Blend and serve! Adjust liquid until you find desired consistency.
Hot pink: Berry beet smoothie
2 handfuls strawberries
½ beet (I like to wash well and then cut my beets in quarters and freeze in a zip lock)
1 frozen banana
2-3 handfuls dark leafy green (spinach and or kale)
1-2 c pineapple or orange juice
1 tsp vanilla
Optional: water or milk to reach desired consistency
Directions: Blend and serve!
Green: Pina Colada
2 frozen very ripe bananas
½ can pineapple in juice
½ can coconut milk
1 c or so of milk (vanilla soy milk is tastiest for this but cow milk or rice milk can work too)
1tsp. vanilla
2 big handfuls greens (baby spinach and kale are our favorites)
Shredded coconut to sprinkle on top
Optional: add yellow squash, frozen berries, apples, cooked beans, etc. get creative.  This recipe hides almost anything!
Directions: Blend and serve! If you add blueberries you make this a purple pina colada.  My kids love added coconut on top.
Purple: Strawberry Daiquiri
2 handful frozen strawberries
2 big handfuls baby spinach
8-10 ice cubes
1 cup water
2 spoonfuls frozen grape juice concentrate (add more or less depending on sweetness)
Directions: Blend and serve! Add enough water to allow blender to work and adjust grape juice until desired taste and sweetness is achieved.
Verde drink AKA grandma’s green drink
Warning: This one is intense, it cleanses the body, alkalizes, and gives you tons of energy but kids need to warm up to it.  I drink a quart per day.
1 cup orange juice
½ lemon (remove most of the rind)
1 whole orange (remove most of the rind)
Water to desire consistency (add enough to make your blender go)
at least 2 handfuls of dark leafy greens (start small then build up to more greens)
2 shakes stevia until desired sweetness
Ice cubes
Optional: switch out the lemon for a pear when making for the kids. 
 Smoothie Tips:
Frozen fruit works best.  It makes smoothies cold and creamier than fresh fruit.  Citrus fruits hide the flavor of vegetable very well so we use a lot of orange juice and pineapple.  If you aren’t using a high horsepower blender, cut your fruit and veggies into small chunks and put them in a large Ziploc freezer bag for easy access.  I mixed chopped fruits and veggies in one big bag for easy access. Also, add extra liquid (juice, milk, water) to get the blender going.  For individual servings try using a magic bullet.
-Use a wide range of colors of fruits and vegetables to ensure that you’re getting a good variety of vitamins
 -Add refrigerated flax seed oil for a boost of omega 3. (Omega 3 is excellent for the brain especially for kids.  It has even been used to cure A.D.D.
 -Try adding a handful of beans or a scoop of creamy tofu for added protein.
 -Let your kids choose the color for the smoothie of the day, they love to be involved!
 Good Fruits and Vegetables to use in smoothies:
 -Frozen bananas (for sweetness and creaminess. They make your smoothies like ice cream.  The riper they are when you freeze them, the sweeter your smoothie will be.  Just be sure to peel before placing in a zip lock bag and put in your freezer. 
-Carrots: have a subtle flavor and are full of vitamins
-Zucchini or yellow squash
-Raw sweet potatoes
-Mixed berries: loaded with vitamins and antioxidants and cover up the green color plus they taste awesome!
-Dark leafy greens.  These should be the focus of your smoothies.  I like kale and baby spinach the best but it is good to use a variety of greens.  Avoid bitter greens like escarole and dandelion.  When starting out, use mostly spinach and a little kale as they have a milder flavor.


Below are Bethany's random rambling notes of Christina's brilliance, taken at the craft group:

Pumpkin Dip: (served with apples at the group- yum)
Fresh Pumpkin (cut sugar pumpkin in half, bake in oven, scrape out)
Greek cream cheese

Old Fashioned Oats
Pour on milk, just to cover the oats
Cover in fridge to seep overnight- eat cold in the morning! Yum. Add fruit, Greek yogurt, fruit, nuts.

Chocolate Chip Cookies
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup coconut oil (or applesauce, or banana, or pearsauce)
2 tsp vanilla
1 egg (or use 1/4 cup greek yogurt)
1 cup wheat flour
1 1/4 cup oat flour (oats blended up)
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
Add nuts, chocolate chips, flax seeds, etc.

Christina's other tips:
Avoid hydrogenated oils, use good fats. Substitute coconut oil for shortening or butter. Also good for stir frying or things cooked at high temps. Avoid using olive oil for frying! Use whole fat dairy products.

Sweeteners- Avoid granulated sugar whenever possible. Substitute stevia (just a tiny bit goes a LONG way). Substitute agave- 1/2 cup for 1 cup white sugar or 2/3 cup for brown sugar and slightly reduce water content in recipes. Can also use honey but it is not as good as agave. Also, sweeten with fruit! Christina cuts sugar amount in half when baking.

Add: squash, apples, oranges, bananas, pumpkin in muffins. Put zucchini, fruit, pumpkin, squash in pancakes. Blend raw seeds and nuts in and blend up!

Buy bulk grains and nuts at Whole Foods, Chia Seeds at Costco. Buy wheat at Walton feed or Whole Foods. Christina makes a mix of different grains, beans to make flour.

Use brown rice and oats blended instead of flour for crispy waffles!

Undercook everything with whole grains so it is not dry. Veggies and fruits help to keep whole grains moist.

Cut Brussel Sprouts in half, drizzle of olive oil and saute for a minute... yum.

Read up on PH balance in the PH Miracle, by Young. Green drinks are a great way to keep balanced!
Great blog is Green Smoothie Girl. Put green smoothies, or other smoothies into popcicle molds for kids to eat or teeth on.

Use the quick sale rack at grocery stores, like stop n shop, to buy cheap veggies.